👋 I’m Matt

I help Creators with audiences over 50K build sales funnels for digital products (almost) entirely on Convertkit.

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Content strategy is more than just “what to talk about”. You have to know who your audience is, where they hang out, and what content they love. That’s hard. I help creators get these answers by doing customer interviews, keyword and market analysis to produce an easy-to-follow content strategy to rapidly grow your audience and get people in your sales funnel.



When people read the content you produce, the first thing they’re going to do is click through to your profile and read who you are. It’s critical to have a killer bio and a clear call-to-action, right there in your profile. But, describing why you’re awesome is hard. Getting them to take that next big step and follow you off the platform is even harder.


Now that you’ve got their email, you’ve gotta walk them to the next step in your sales funnel. That might look like a welcome sequence - where you’re giving more background on who you are, what you do, what you offer, and why that’s important. Or, it might be a little more targeted - like an upsell sequence to a digital product, like a course, or a community.


Having 100K followers feels nice but it doesn’t translate to cash. If you want to monetize that audience, you’ve gotta own it. The best way to do that is by getting their email. To get an email, you gotta offer something so valuable that they can’t resist giving it up. Whether that’s a downloadable ebook, email courses, or a newsletter.


Digital products make money while you sleep. From the customer side, they’re a way to get a fraction of your expertise, at a fraction of the cost it would be to hire you. It’s a win-win all around. But you can waste tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars building out the wrong one. I can help you find the right one and help you build it.


Now, it’s time for the big-ticket item. What is that for you? For most of the creators I work with, it’s a professional service, like a coaching or consulting engagement. These are generally high-ticket offers ($5,000 and up). That requires a lot more convincing them a $49 digital product. The answer is expertly-written and beautifully-designed sales pages to close the deal.


To make all that work in a way that doesn’t eat up all your time, you need to automate. There’s tons of great tech that can help you do this, but which ones? And how much time do you wanna spend learning it? I keep a simple tech stack, that can automate nearly all of the workflow I’ve described above. I can implement it all for you and I can maintain it, too.


Hire Matt immediately. I’ve worked with contractors for years and I’ve never worked with someone as smart, proactive, thorough, or dogged as Matt. You need someone who you can trust to treat your business like their own. And someone who allows you to do your best work, while they do theirs. Matt is that person.
— RIchelle DeVoe


If you want to grow your audience, build your email list, and sell digital products but you don’t want to learn how the technology works, to become an expert copywriter, or marketing strategist, and you have a
budget of at least $3,000….